Natural treatments for dog behaviour problems and anxiety disorders

Natural treatments for dog behaviour problems and anxiety disorders




”Natural treatments for dog behavior problems and anxiety disorders” was selected as subject for thesis for veterinary homeopathy students in Weter – School of Natural Treatments for Animals. According to Marjut Nieminen, who guided the follow-up study, animal behavior problems have become more common over the past 30 years.

It is wise to try to balance the mind and behavior of dogs without actual chemical drugs. That way we can reduce the animal’s ’toxic load’, i.e. ’toxicological accumulation’, as well as environmental pollution.

Pirkko Lahtinen was the consulting veterinarian in the study. However, she did not have to be contacted for any of the dogs that participated in the study.

The research was carried out by students of veterinary homeopathy Arja Kosonen, Jaana Laine, Johanna Mäntykenttä, Satu Piispanen and Seija Sipola and the teacher on veterinary homeopathy Marjut Nieminen.

Summary of the follow-up study

The study began in 26.6.2020. The last meeting concerning the study was held 29.11.2020.

Homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutrition counseling, different massage methods, reflexology, other necessary counseling and guidance were selected as treatment methods for the study. These treatment methods are safe and do not cause side effects.

About the effects of substances foreign to the body

In natural treatment, the entire history of the dog from birth (or even conception) to the moment of treatment is taken into account, both in terms of health and environmental factors. Some of the problems can be caused by genetics, and some can be caused by environmental factors, such as environmental toxins, unsuitable food, food additives, herd hierarchy, puppyhood events, a restless or unsuitable living environment for the breed, lack of basic training or species-typical activities. Also medicinal substances and e.g. vaccines and substances intended to exterminate parasites can cause problems when they get into the body.

(Based on the open publication archive in the field of Finnish Social and Health Ministry: Eläinlääkkeiden haittavaikutukset 2018 (Adverse effects of veterinary medicines 2018), Jenni Westerback, Jonna Kumpulainen, Martti Nevalainen / Written 20.3.2019 / Published 5.4.2019

The Number Of Reported Adverse Events Based On The Atc Division Of The Preparations In 2018 Weter


The basis of studying and evaluating dog behavior is knowledge of ethology. Ethology is a branch of biology that studies the natural behavior of animals.

Daily care and treatment according to the dog’s ethology, appropriate exercise and feeding are the basic pillars of well-being. These issues mentioned above were examined with the owners of the dogs participating in the study. Day-to-day care and life also involved things that needed to be corrected.

Dogs participating in the study

Dogs with e.g. hyperactivity, tenderness, separation anxiety, depression or other vague problems were applied for the study. The notice was shared on Facebook sites in different dog groups in April-May 2020. The notice told about the treatment methods used in the study (massage and reflexology treatment, nutritional advice, homeopathy, herbal medicine, other necessary advice).

The owners of the dogs participating in the study were required to commit to the research program for approximately three months. The study included an initial examination, making a treatment plan and contact visits 3-5 times during the study period.

There were a total of 16 people who registered, of which 11 dogs were selected for the study.

During the study, one of those selected for the study dropped out. Bernese Mountain Dog, Brazilian Terrier, Dalmatian, Medium Poodle, Golden Retriever, Welsh Springer Spaniel, multi-breed participated in the study. The youngest of the dogs participating in the study was 1,5 years, the eldest 8,5 years old.

Treatment visits and assesment

The treatment practice related to the study included visits of the dog and the owner at the group’s joint treatment meetings and individual treatments at the homeopathy student’s home. A treatment plan was made for the dog in cooperation with the owner. The research team’s assessment of the dog’s behavior was based on observations made in treatment situations during meetings, photos and videos taken of the dogs during visits. In the joint care meetings, the initial situation of the dogs was mapped, a treatment plan and a final assessment was made.

There were meetings every 3-5 weeks.

During the study, the effectiveness of the treatment of the dogs was evaluated on a scale of 1-10. The evaluation of the degree of harm was carried out at each visit separately by the owner and the research team. The basis of the assessment was how much the dog’s behavior and fear states interfere with functioning in normal everyday life.

The total maximum score for the degree of harm was 100 with a sampling of 10 participants.

Tutkimusryhman Arvio Kaytosongelmien Haitasta Tutkimuksen Alussa Weter

The research team’s assessment of the degree of harm was 81 at the beginning and 31 at the end.

Tutkimusryhman Arvio Kaytosongelmien Haitasta Tutkimuksen Lopussa Weter

Behavioural problems in dogs

  • Substrate sensitivity (bare floors, stairs)
  • States of fear and panic (e.g. crossing bridges, cyclists, sounds, strangers and dogs)
  • Sensitivity to bangs (thunder, gunshot)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Nervous and tense behavior (e.g. retain urine)
  • Over-eager opponent, over-excitement, over-reaction, lack of control, difficulty concentrating
  • Strong urge to watch
  • Sudden mood swings, aggressive behavior

Other problems observed in dogs

  • Pain, weak hips, post-surgery care (if there has been some problems after surgery)
  • Heartburn
  • Intermittent yeast problems, itchy skin
  • Eating feces
  • Estrus disorders; estrus does not occur, false pregnancies, hypersexual behavior

The elimination or alleviation of these problems was also found to balance or even eliminate behavioral disorders and states of fear.

Treatment methods used in the study

In the study, different massage methods were used according to the dog’s needs. Various treatments affecting the body included homeopathy, herbal medicine, reflexology, muscle massage, lymphatic massage, joint mobilization and craniosacral therapy, nutritional advice and other advice and guidance.

Treatments For Dogs Weter

H= Homeopathy (10 dogs)
ARM= Animal reflexology methods (10 dogs)
N= Nutritional advice (10 dogs)
He= Herbalism (9 dogs)
J= Joint mobilization (9 dogs)
M= Massage  (8 dogs)
K= Kraniosacral therapy (7 dogs)
O= Other advice and quidance (6 dogs)

Reflection on the study

The aim of our follow-up study was to determine whether behavioral disorders in dogs can be alleviated and treated with natural treatments. The dogs included in the study were treated with homeopathy, herbal medicine, flower extracts, nutritional advice, massage, craniosacral therapy, joint mobilization, and red light combined with reflexology. The treatments were determined according to the needs of each participant and the benefit to be achieved with the treatment. Therefore, not all participants necessarily received all forms of treatment except homeopathic treatment. The basis and support of the treatment was guidance on providing species-typical food to dogs, and the importance of nutritional factors and species-typical bacteria in maintaining health was emphasized.

Behavioral problems were mostly fear states that led to either withdrawal or aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior was mainly leash rustling, for example when meeting other dogs. The dog could also show suspicion towards strangers by growling or barking. Some of the dogs had a strong tendency to watch, which is why they could bark behind the front door of the apartment, listening to sounds from inside the house or from the yard, and react to them in some way, often by vocalizing.

The dogs that participated in the study were required to have some kind of behavioral problem that made everyday life difficult, but some of the participants’ problems were also on a physical level. Panic reactions were observed, for example, when going outside or having to get on certain platforms. Ground sensitivity occurred on slippery and shiny surfaces. Crossing bridges and going down stairs, especially, caused great difficulties for some of the dogs that participated in the study. During the research, many owners noticed that their dogs reacted to their own life situations.

Treating dogs with naturopathy is mainly based on information from the owner, which is not always very accurate or based on more detailed or documented monitoring. In this case, the perceptiveness and interpretation ability of the person taking care of the dog play a very important role.  Reflexology and other treatments targeting the body provide a lot of information about the animal’s health and can also balance the functioning of the body and mind.

The study revealed a variety of problems caused by vaccines and chemical drugs. When homeopathic substances were used in the treatment to cleanse the liver and nervous system and, according to Hahnemann, to eliminate the side effects of vaccinations, their beneficial effects on the dogs’ well-being became clearly evident.

The difficulty of the research was that there was not much voluntary feedback from the owners, but information about the dog’s health and changes had to be asked meticulously. We met the research dogs several times and thus we were able to observe changes in the dogs. All but one of the dogs that participated in the study benefited from the treatments given. All dogs were treated with homeopathic substances along with physical treatments.

At the beginning of the study, the dogs’ identified behavioral problems were alleviated and everyday life with them went better. For some, the results were very encouraging, and behavioral challenges that had previously caused great difficulty were brought under control. Almost all dogs got used to the treatments and relaxed during them, which surprised many of the dog owners.

The results of the follow-up study can be utilized in treating behavioral problems in dogs and other animals. 20 ELK Weter ©
